We strive to avoid risks that may compromise long-term economic value and capture investment opportunities.
We seek to attain our objectives through a four-pillar framework, detailed in our Sustainable Investment Policy.
The Fund adheres to sustainable investment proxy voting guidelines in partnership with leading global provider, ISS. Read more about our proxy voting guidelines.
Our commitment to Net Zero and the transition to a low carbon economy is outlined in our position on fossil fuels. This commitment acknowledges climate change challenges and helps ensure the Fund’s investments remain resilient and sustainable to meet its long-term objectives.
Watch the video to find out how the UNJSPF invests sustainably and to learn more about its collaboration with MSCI. Access the full case study here.
IFRS Climate Report
PRI Summary Scorecard
How the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund is leading the way to net-zero
UNJSPF Office of Investment Management TCFD Report
Engagement Report 2023
Proxy Voting Highlights 2023
It is our primary fiduciary duty to invest in the best financial interests of all our participants. We also aim to protect and enhance the value of our investments for the long-term. We aim to do this by being a responsible long-term investor and a steward of our investments.
This is why we consider the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues when we invest.
At the core of our investment approach is also the belief that as a global investor, we are in a unique position to deploy capital and create real-world positive outcomes. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a clear framework to shape those outcomes.
Our Responsible Investment approach addresses environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges that may affect the long-term sustainability of the Fund as well as our external footprint on the world in which we live.
Sustainable considerations are integrated into our responsible investment strategy and portfolio construction. This includes the integration of financially material ESG considerations throughout the entire investment decision-making process, and across asset classes.
To further reflect our commitment to sustainable investment, the Fund’s financial performance is measured against a custom ESG benchmark, where tobacco, armaments and fossil fuel securities are excluded.
To further reflect our commitment to sustainable investment, the Fund’s financial performance is measured against a custom Responsible Investment benchmark, where tobacco, armaments and thermal coal securities are excluded.
The UN Pension Fund also engages with participants and beneficiaries on Responsible Investment matters in periodic townhalls, where members are given the opportunity to ask questions and learn more on the Fund’s approach.
The Fund is a member of several groups and initiatives:
Founding signatory (2006) of the UN-supported network of investors, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
Participation in Climate Investor networks: Ceres Investor Network and Climate Action 100+ since 2019.
Use of GRESB as a benchmark for core real estate since 2019.
Member of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, a group of asset owners targeting net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.