Each person in receipt of a benefit from the Fund must annually sign and mail back to the Fund a paper-based form called Certificate of Entitlement. This form is used to verify the continuing eligibility of retirees and beneficiaries to the benefits they are receiving. The process involves a lot of back and forth and handling of physical mail and it is also dependent of postal services, which can be an issue as seen during the COVID-19 crisis.
In order to simplify and speed up the process, the Fund successfully tested a mobile phone app which can verify and guarantee the identity of retirees as well as their location. With this app, retirees will have the option to send their Certificate of Entitlement through the app instead of the paper-based form, if they wish to do so.
The digital certificate of entitlement will be gradually implemented starting in 2021 and will be offered as an alternative to the paper-based certificate.
Please watch the video below or click here for more details.