

Here you will find all related information about separation (either retiring or separating from service).

Please see which scenario below meets your situation to find out your separation options. You might need to know your early retirement age and/or normal retirement age in order to identify your scenario, so please check this page.

We also recommend you run an estimate inside your Member Self- Service account before making a decision.

Separation options


Separating with LESS THAN 5 YEARS of contributory service

  1. Article 31 - Withdrawal settlement→ one-time payment in an amount equivalent to your own contributions plus interest, which extinguishes all other rights to any other future benefits.
  2. Article 32 - Deferment of choice or benefit for 36 months → Defer/Delay payment of your withdrawal settlement for up to 36 months. Should you resume participation in the Fund within the 36-month deferment period from your date of separation from service, your participation will be deemed to have been continuous (provided that no benefit has been paid to you). The period in between your date of separation and of re-entry into Fund participation will be considered a period of break in service, which cannot be made pensionable. However, if you do not resume participation in the Fund, you must submit your benefit election and payment instructions on the according form to the Fund at the latest by the end of the 36 months deferment period. 


Separating with 5 OR MORE YEARS of contributory service PRIOR TO REACHING EARLY RETIREMENT AGE

  1. Article 30 - Deferred retirement benefit→ payable when you reach normal retirement age or when you become eligible for early retirement, with the applicable reduction factors. No child benefit is payable.
  2. Article 31 - Withdrawal settlement→ one-time payment in an amount equivalent to your own contributions plus interest, which extinguishes all other rights to any other future benefits.
  3. Article 32 - Deferment of choice or benefit for 36 months → Defer/Delay your benefit election (i.e. a withdrawal settlement or a deferred retirement benefit) for up to 36 months. Should you resume participation in the Fund within the 36-month deferment period from your date of separation from service, your participation will be deemed to have been continuous (provided that no benefit has been paid to you). The period in between your date of separation and of re-entry into Fund participation will be considered a period of break in service, which cannot be made pensionable. However, if you do not resume participation in the Fund, you must submit your benefit election and payment instructions on the according form to the Fund at the latest by the end of the 36 months deferment period. If you fail to submit your benefit election and payment instructions to the Fund within the 36-month deferment period, the Fund will automatically deem you to have elected a deferred retirement benefit.



  1. Article 29 - Early retirement benefit, with or without commutation of up to one-third of the benefit into a lump sum.
  2. Article 30 - Deferred retirement benefit→ payable when you reach normal retirement age or when you become eligible for an early retirement, with the applicable reduction factors. No child benefit is payable.
  3. Article 31 - Withdrawal settlement→ one-time payment in an amount equivalent to your own contributions plus interest, which extinguishes all other rights to any other future benefits.
  4. Article 32 - Deferment of choice or benefit for 36 months → Defer/Delay your benefit election for up to 36 months → Should you resume participation in the Fund within the 36-month deferment period from your date of separation from service, your participation will be deemed to have been continuous (provided that no benefit has been paid to you). The period in between your date of separation and of re-entry into Fund participation will be considered a period of break in service, which cannot be made pensionable. However, if you do not resume participation in the Fund, you must submit your benefit election and payment instructions on the according form to the Fund at the latest by the end of the 36 months deferment period. If you fail to submit your benefit election and payment instructions to the Fund within the 36-month deferment period, the Fund will automatically deem you to have elected a deferred retirement benefit.


Separating with 5 OR MORE YEARS of contributory service AT NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE

  1. Article 28 - Normal retirement benefit, with or without commutation of up to one-third of the benefit into a lump sum.

Steps and requirements for separation

You should begin the separation process in advance, at least two months before your separation date. It is recommended that you run an estimate in your Member Self-Service account within 6 months of your separation date.

To review, calculate and process your benefit, the Fund must receive the mandatory separation documents below. Discrepancies will delay payments, so if you do not receive your payment promptly, inquire first with your member organization before contacting the Fund.


Your original Payment Instruction (PI) on the correct form (PENS.E/6 for less than 5 years of contributory service or PENS.E/7 for more than 5 years of service) indicating the benefit option you have selected, the complete bank account information or voided check indicating the account at which you wish to receive payments, the currency of payment, and your email and mailing address with your original ink signature. The Fund must receive the original Payment Instructions form with your original ink signature.


The original and duly completed, dated and signed Separation Notification form PF4 (financial clearance) issued and submitted to the Fund by the Payroll Office of your employing organization and signed by an authorized payroll or finance officer, detailing your pensionable remuneration and contributions since the end of the previous year.


The Separation Personnel Action form (SEPPA) issued and submitted to the Fund by your employing organization, and indicating your official date of separation. Discrepancies will delay payments, so if you do not receive your payment promptly, inquire first with your member organization before contacting the Fund.


If you elect a periodic benefit, the Fund must receive also the following supporting documents (as applicable in your case) at the latest at the time of separation, in order for the Fund to set up all entitlements correctly:

  • a copy of your valid photo ID document (e.g. Passport or other valid official, government-issued photo ID, carrying your names, date of birth and signature – the “UN Laissez-passer” is NOT a valid ID document);
  • a copy of your marriage certificate/s;
  • a copy of your divorce decree/s;
  • a copy of the spouse’s official, government-issued photo ID and/or former spouse/s;
  • a copy of the birth certificate(s) of your dependent child(ren) under 21 years of age;
  • a copy of death certificate(s) for spouse(s), ex-spouse(s), child(ren), if applicable; and
  • ORIGINAL Designation of Recipient of a Residual Settlement form A/2

Separation FAQ

When can I retire?

You may retire from your employing organization and receive a monthly benefit at any time after you reach early retirement age, provided that you have had five years or more of contributory service in the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF). Please check the scenarios above to see which options apply to your case.

If you have had less than five years of contributory service you can, irrespective of your age, only take a withdrawal settlement.

Supposing I separate from service and wish to transfer my pension rights to the pension plan of my new employer, how may I do so?

The transfer of pension rights is possible only on the basis of a formal transfer agreement between the UNJSPF and the pension plan of an international organization or national government. Please check the Transfer Agreements page for more information.

What is Normal Retirement Age, Early Retirement age and Mandatory Age of Separation?

Check this page.

What happens if I don't submit the payment instructions form?

For beneficiaries who failed to submit payment instructions or accept payment: 

  • Their right to a Withdrawal Settlement shall be forfeited two (2) years after payment has been due.
  • Their right to a periodic benefit shall be forfeited five (5) years after the first payment has been due.
Will I receive any documents when my benefit starts? (Benefit Entitlement Letter)

When you retire, separate on disability or start receiving a survivor's benefit, you will receive a benefit entitlement letter providing details regarding your benefit, such as the date it was implemented and the amount which you will receive. If you are retiring, you will also find the amount of your total contributions to the Fund during your participation and a reminder that you will be required each year to return a proof of life document (Certificate of Entitlement) in order to continue to receive your benefit.  Please ensure that your address and contact details at separation are correct and that you keep them up to date after you are in receipt of your benefit.

The letter is posted inside your Member Self-Service account. To learn how to create or access your Member Self-Service account, please check the dedicated page.

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