The Fund has just updated all its forms to include a barcode. The new forms are available on our website and inside your Member Self-Service account (those also come pre-completed with your name, UID, retirement and pension number as the case may be). Please use the new barcoded forms to speed up the processing of your requests.
These newly barcoded forms are compliant with the new scanning and automated signature verification system of the Fund, which will increase productivity and efficiency of the form processing.
Additionally, to expand the set of proof signature reference documents, two additional signature forms have been created:
• S1 – Participant Signature Specimen Form
• S2 – Guardian Signature Specimen Form
You can use these forms to register your signature with the Fund. Participants should use Form S1 prior to completing their payment instructions form. and Guardians should use Form S2 once appointed. Having a signature on file with the Fund may reduce the time necessary to process benefit payments.