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Important information for Retirees and Beneficiaries about the 2019 and 2020 Certificate of Entitlement (CE) Exercises - Impact of COVID-19

6 May 2020

Every year, retirees and beneficiaries in receipt of a periodic benefit from the Fund must return to the Fund their duly dated and signed Certificate of Entitlement (CE) in original format, to confirm their continued entitlement to their pension benefit and avoid the risk of a benefit suspension.

Please read below for updates on the 2019 and 2020 CE Exercises and any adjustments the Fund made to the CE schedules due to COVID-19.

2019 CE Exercise:

As per established procedures, the Fund must suspend the benefits of all those beneficiaries who did not return to the Fund their annual CE form or another form of acceptable signature document, within the required time frame. Usually, the annual suspension exercise takes effect with the May payroll, however, recognizing the difficulties imposed on many beneficiaries worldwide due to COVID-19 related lockdowns and restrictions for mailing services, the Fund has decided to postpone the 2019 CE related suspensions to the June 2020 payroll.

Should you or someone you know be affected by a 2019 CE related benefit suspension, please contact the Fund via the online contact form, providing all required information and selecting the contact reason “Non-receipt of regular monthly benefit payment” under the according drop-down menu. Upon receipt of your query, the Fund will review such case as a priority and advise on what is required to allow for the reinstatement of the payment of such benefit.  Alternatively, you could send an email to the dedicated mailbox to inform the Fund that you did not receive your regular monthly benefit which was previously in payment.

It should be noted that, in the past weeks, the Fund has made extensive follow-up efforts in partnership with Staff Pension Committees and AFICS offices, to try and locate beneficiaries and prevent benefit suspensions wherever possible.

Upcoming 2020 CE Exercise:

Due to COVID-19 and mailing disruption worldwide, the Fund’s first mailing of the 2020 Certificates of Entitlement (CEs) to retirees and beneficiaries has been slightly delayed and is now expected to take place at the end of June 2020, instead of end of May.

Please visit our website and the dedicated CE webpage regularly, as we will keep you updated on the status of this first 2020 CE mailing and in case any additional adjustments had to be made to the 2020 CE schedule.

More detailed information about the Certificate of Entitlement exercises and requirements is available here.

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