Ms. Janice Dunn Lee, Acting CEO, and Dino Dell'Accio, Chief Information Officer
During the Townhall held last Thursday (February 14, 2019), Ms. Janice Dunn Lee, the Acting CEO introduced herself to the Fund staff in NY, Geneva, and Nairobi. She spoke of her initial impressions and her motivation for coming out of retirement to work at the Fund. Ms. Dunn Lee spent most of her career working in nuclear energy safety and security policy for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and later turned to international organizations focused on similar issues. She worked as the Deputy Director General at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in Paris, and as the Deputy Director-General and Head of the Department of Management at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna where she retired before coming to the Fund in January 2019.
The ACEO highly values the work of international organizations, and recognized the UNJSPF as one of the few pension funds in the world with a defined benefit plan, with solid and secure financial standing. Ms. Dunn Lee believes in an inclusive work structure and positive environment that starts by having gender equality and diversity of staff. Ms. Dunn Lee also highlighted the need to improve our internal and external communications and the need to enforce accountability with all individuals.
Ms. Dunn Lee added that she is energized and ready to face the challenges and looks forward to working with staff in seeking efficiencies and transparency in matters relating to the Fund.