Variations in your monthly benefit amount are most likely due to one of the following reasons:
If you have opted for After Service Health Insurance (ASHI) premiums to be deducted directly from your monthly pension entitlement, variations in your monthly benefit amounts can be due to fluctuations in the monthly premium amounts deducted by ASHI. As the Fund has no authority and no insight into ASHI matters, which are handled by the UN Health & Life Insurance Section (not the UNJSPF), we are unable to provide detailed information on how such premiums are constituted. Therefore, we invite you to directly contact ASHI and inquire about details. Please address your ASHI email communications to: [email protected].
There may be charges applied by your bank. These charges are beyond the control of the Fund; therefore, the UNJSPF cannot accept responsibility for them. You may wish to discuss this matter with your bank for clarification on the exact nature of the deductions made from the amount transmitted by the Fund; you may wish to try and negotiate with your bank and request them to waive any charges given the nature of the payment, i.e., pension benefit. The levying of service fees has become an internationally accepted practice amongst banks, and this practice can be expected only to increase. While the Fund absorbs all fees levied as remittance fees, we regret that we have no control over any fees that have been contractually authorized by your bank with its correspondent bank.
If you were in receipt of a child’s benefit from the Fund, paid together with your own pension benefit, and your child reached the age of 21, you will notice a reduction in your monthly pension benefit amount, as of the month following that during which your child turned 21. Indeed, a child’s benefit is normally payable until the end of the month during which your dependent child turns 21 and is discontinued effective the following month.
Your monthly pension benefit amount can change due to the application of the cost of living adjustment (COLA). The Fund issues COLA letters in which retirees and beneficiaries are informed of changes in their entitlement amount due to COLA. The COLA letters will be available in your MSS account every time there is an adjustment. If you do not have an MSS account, the letter will be mailed to you.
If your selected payment currency is included in the list below, your monthly pension benefit is converted to the payable amount using the UN Operational Rate of Exchange (UNORE). This conversion is conducted by the Fund on a quarterly basis using the exchange rate applicable for the month prior to the quarter. For example, the March exchange rate would be utilized to calculate your April, May and June payable amounts. No change is made during the months within each quarter.
If you have opted to be on the two-track system and your payment currency (included in the list below) is different from the currency of your declared country of residence, your monthly pension benefit is calculated in the currency of your country of residence and converted to the payable amount on a quarterly basis. For example, if your two-track country of residence is France and you selected USD as your payment currency, your benefit calculated in EUR will be converted to USD.
If your selected payment currency is not included in the list below, your monthly pension benefit will be remitted in USD. Your benefit payment will then be converted into the currency of your bank account by your bank, using the bank’s exchange rate.
The quarterly UN Operational Rate of Exchange is applied to the following payment currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, CLP, DKK, EUR, GBP, INR, JPY, NOK, NZD, PEN, PKR, RUB, SEK, SGD, USD, XAF, XOF.
Currently available for CLP, PEN, and RUB, you may request your monthly pension benefit calculated in USD, to be remitted to your bank account using a spot exchange rate applied by the Fund’s banking partner at the time of the fund transfer. In this case, your pension benefit amount would fluctuate on a monthly basis based on the conversion rate used by the Fund’s bank.