The second mailing of the 2022 Certificates of Entitlement (CE), dated 31 October 2022 has been dispatched by the UN Mail and Pouch Services to 12,921 retirees and beneficiaries from whom the Fund had not received their original duly completed barcoded 2022 CE form and/or who had not issued their 2022 Digital CE (DCE) using the Digital CE App by mid-October 2022. We hope these CE forms will reach all concerned within the next few weeks so that they can return it to the Fund within the required time frame. In case you are one of those who, at today’s date, still have not received your 2022 CE form nor issued your DCE in the DCE App, please read on for guidance on what to do to complete the requirements of the annual CE exercise in a timely manner and prevent the possible suspension of your UNJSPF benefit.
The Fund requires all retirees and beneficiaries to complete the annual CE exercise by 31 December 2022. This means that you must return your annual proof of life to the Fund by year-end 2022 in one of the following ways:
What should you do in case you have not received the CE form mailed by the Fund and cannot download it from MSS? (e.g., retirees/beneficiaries paid under the Two-Track)
Retirees/Beneficiaries who have not received their paper-based 2022 CE form by the end of November 2022 and who cannot download the CE form from MSS are strongly encouraged to mail/special courier/pouch a letter to the Fund with subject line “2022 CE Exercise”, providing their full name, address, Pension Fund reference number (UID), as well as their original handwritten signature and the date in the letter and confirmation that they are alive. The Fund would exceptionally accept such letter in lieu of the 2022 CE form. This letter could also be submitted electronically, via MSS Document Upload inside your MSS account, in line with the according guidelines published here: About Member Self-Service (MSS) - UNJSPF.
We encourage all beneficiaries to visit the dedicated CE and DCE webpages regularly, as we continuously update these pages with CE and DCE-related information and guidance. The CE webpage also includes helpful information regarding UNJSPF signature authentication requirements, specifically for CE purposes.
Please always submit any queries you may have via the official UNJSPF contact channels advertised on the Fund’s website under the Contact Us webpage.